1634 Fisher Road
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania  17055

These bases are great used alone or as a base for your own creations.
Please let us know if there is anything else you are looking for - we may be able to help.

German Statice Wreath
16" - $18.00
18" - $20.00
20" - $24.00

- full and beautifu

Lemon Leaf Wreaths

12" - 14.75
16" - 16.75
18" - $18.75

20" - $21.75
22" - $25.75

- full and beautiful

Lemon leaves will dry a lighter green and curl slightly.  This is part of their natural beauty.  They must be kept out of sunlight or they will brown.

Yarrow Wreath
18" - $29.50

- beautiful gold yarrow
- full and tight


Lemon Leaf, Eucalyptus and Baby's Breath Wreath
20" - $38.50
24" -

- Very full


Nigella Wreath
18" - $38.50

- made entirely of beautiful nigella pods


Oregano Wreath
16" - $32.50

- made entirely of dried oregano blossoms


Tansy Wreath
16" - $29.50

- made entirely of golden tansy


Baby's Breath Wreath
20" - $45.50

20" diameter - full and beautiful. Great for weddings!

(Baby's breath garland is also available for $15.00/foot)